Friday, August 3, 2012

Simple Logo Designs

If you placed two logos in front of a consumer, one that was extremely involved and one that was very simple, which do you think the consumer would be more inclined to respond to? More often than not it is the Simple Logo Designs, because it is easy to look at, it's not too busy, and it has a clear message. The busier a design is the more likely it will appear too cluttered and detract from the logo's overall meaning. Keeping a business logo design simple can captivate potential customers and inspire them to inquire more about your business, while a busier logo might repel people because it is just too complicated and its meaning is too difficult to figure out.

Logo designers understand this fact better than anyone. In light of the importance of simplicity, designers will likely suggest businesses create logos based off of two factors: the company's mission statement and its products or services. These are the most important factors to communicate to customers and potential customers graphically, and a busier design might hide them behind complex images, too many colors, symbols and words.

Simple Logo Designs

Simple Logo Designs

Simple Logo Designs

Simple Logo Designs

Simple Logo Designs

Simple Logo Designs

Simple Logo Designs

Simple Logo Designs

Simple Logo Designs

Simple Logo Designs

Simple Logo Designs

A designer, then, might emphasize the importance of these two factors and represent them in the most graphically effective ways possible. For instance, there are certain colors that inspire immediate action in a viewer - like red - that a designer might use in conjunction with your company's mission statement. A logo design created with an eye towards inspiring action through simplicity will likely captivate a potential customer and inspire him or her to further research the company that the logo represents. A recent article about the importance of creating a simple logo design illuminates this fact even further: "Logo designers can produce a logo that invokes quick feelings and actions. For example, when you want to sell a car, you don't want to spend hours explaining all the features in great detail. You want to give them just enough information to help them realize it's the perfect car for them so that once the sale is made, you can move on to the next customer."

Business owners are advised to look for Simple Logo Designs who can offer branding services which can align your logo with your business's product or services and mission statement. These professional designers know just what it takes to create a simple logo design that will attract new customers and improve your business.

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