Saturday, May 26, 2012

Facebook logo st5

facebook logo

facebook logo

Social Media is nothing new these days. Everyone from grandmothers to first graders have their own Twitter or Facebook page. With comScore reporting a 25% increase in unique visitors to social media sites in June, 2008 compared to June, 2007, social media needs to be in every small business marketing plan.

facebook logout

facebook logout

Open accounts on Twitter, Facebook and MySpace to start. Every small business with an online presence - whether you actually sell products online or simply have a site for your brick and mortar business - should have an account with them. They are all easy to set up and free. Be sure to create a Facebook Fan Page for your business, rather than a typical Profile Page.

facebook logo font

facebook logo font

Twitter, Facebook and MySpace all allow you to customize your pages in some way. Be sure not to use the default templates each site offers you. Facebook and Twitter even allow you to have your own vanity URL, meaning if you own a pizza parlor, your Facebook URL could be ""yourpizzaparlor" (some qualifications must be met).

facebook logo vector

facebook logo vector

Create a 200 x 200 image containing your business name, logo and contact information for Twitter. You can also use this template or simply create it in Word or Powerpoint (just remember to save it as a PDF document).

facebook logout button

facebook logout button

Facebook does not yet allow you to customize your entire Fan Page, but you can create an image that contains your business name and logo and upload it. This way, every update or post you create contains your image.

facebook logout link

facebook logout link

MySpace allows you to customize nearly every aspect of your page. Be sure to upload an image of your business name and logo (use the Facebook image you created) as your profile image, and create a background containing either your business colors, themes or your logo.

facebook login

facebook login

Unique content can be created easily for even the smallest businesses as well as those that do not even sell their products online. Go beyond basic written content explaining the mission of your small business, the products or services you offer and your location (though all of those ARE necessary). Give your potential customers something unique that will make them want to visit your website and/or business location, and eventually return. Videos, photos, polls and contests are just a few forms of content that can make your page stand out.

facebook logo size

facebook logo size

For example, a bakery that only sells its products direct from their location could make a short, documentary-style video of their baking facility. An online jewelry site could upload images of some of their newest pieces. A florist located in Los Angeles with only an informational website could post a poll on Twitter and Facebook asking people what their favorite summer flower might be, and then responding to those who answer with a special offer.

facebook logout page

facebook logout page

On October 4, 2010, retail giant GAP quietly unveiled a new Gap brand logo on its website, and someone noticed.

facebook logout home page

facebook logout home page

In the seven days that followed, professional journalists, bloggers, fans and critics frothed the media with social commentary. Some called the move haphazard brand management, others a brilliantly conceived stunt to revive languishing sales. By midnight, October 11, the "new" logo was gone.

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